Examples of applications of CRISPR-CAS - potato
Short chain amylopectin starch
- Green labelled food ingredient
Amylose potato

- Enables production of food that can lower your Glycemic Index and high Resistance Starch foods

- Less food waste and more appealing potato products
- Food grade high quality potato proteins from industrial side stream is an example
- Deep fried potato products that do not trigger the creation of acrylamide during the frying process
- Less fungicides can be used as the plant becomes “stronger”
Example: late blight - the new variety we want to produce has a better resistance to this disease!
Example of CRISPR-product on the market
GABA tomato サナテックシード株式会社 | 明日の子供達と明日の地球の為に (sanatech-seed.com)
Traditional GMO – Gene editing
Traditional genetic modification = GMO
- Insert new DNA in the genome
- Specific (single genes)
- Expensive, long/unpredicted time for deregulation process
Targeted mutations/genome editing/CRISPR-Cas9 = GMO?
- Mimic spontaneous and traditional mutational Breeding
- Specific (single genes)
- Deregulation under review in EU